We've Moved...Across the Hall!

We've Moved...Across the Hall!

Greetings and salutations friends!

Denver Acupuncture & Yoga LLC is moving across the hall to suite 2 starting November 1st. The space will be shared with a few other practitioners to save money (and keep prices the same) during the pandemic. There will be a few things that will change but ultimately you’ll still receive the same care and attention you always have from your practitioner, Kasia Graves LAc MSOM, KCYT.


    • The space in suite 2 is used by considerably more people and keeping the restroom sanitary has proven to take too much time away from patient care, so the owners of suite 2 have decided to close it to the public. Please make sure you use the facilities before you leave your home!
    • We’ll be asking you to sanitize your hands using alcohol sanitizer approved by the health department. You don’t need to bring anything, it will be provided for you. Please continue to wear your own mask and keep family members at home during this time.
    • This is the same as it has been. The waiting area is too small to have 6ft of social distancing, so please be certain to text when you arrive so Kasia can escort you to your treatment room. (720) 515-7339
    • Beginning next year, Kasia will be running two treatment rooms in an effort to accommodate patients more frequently. This will start slowly and ramp up to full potential within a few months. Kasia asks your patience while ironing out details as appointments become more available.
    • The parking space will still be available. This spot is paid for by Kasia and is reserved for Denver Acupuncture & Yoga LLC patients only. As the second treatment room opens, the spot may not open until after your appointment time, as appointment times may overlap a bit. Please make arrangements to be able to look for on street parking if needed.