Your Resources

Your Resources

We've Moved...Across the Hall!
Greetings and salutations friends! Denver Acupuncture & Yoga LLC is moving across the hall to suite 2 starting November 1st. The space will be shared
Overcome Trauma with Yoga
Bessel van der Kolk, MD, is a clinical psychiatrist whose work integrates mind, brain, body, and social connections to understand and treat trauma. He is
Headaches? It Might Be Your Bra.
There’s a really good chance your headaches, neck and shoulder tension are coming from the fact that you’re wearing the wrong sized bra. What’s wrong
Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic relationship? Raised by narcissists? Narcissists at work or flooding your dating profiles? Trying to figure out how to move forward after escaping a narcissist?
Dirgha 3 Part Breath
Here is a video of my teacher from Kripalu, Larissa Hall Carlson, demonstrating the Dirgha 3 part breath.